I miss old 2E. Good stuff especially if you really read into each monster's abilities. A casual encounter in 2E had the chance of even messing up the strongest of parties for sure.

I'm reminded of the, Living Wall, good way to get destroyed quickly.

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I don’t think I have much of an issue with the permanence of paralysis until action X is carried out, but it could require the concept of paralysis to be defined with more granularity. Some forms of paralysis might include an inability to breath, others a lack of the swallow reflex. The only question then is whether death is by asphyxia in a few minutes or thirst or starvation over days.

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I kinda like the idea of permanent paralysis. I just may have to give it a try.

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This is kind-of the same 'problem' of D&D with invisibility... but this is set on the other side of the river! With invisibility, the effect of the spell was set until a character attacks...

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