I cut my teeth on Tactics II, which taught me the importance of using armor to outflank and encircle your enemies. And I spent half the eighties buried in Squad Leader. Thank you Mr. Roberts!

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I could never quite get on with AH’s more ‘granular’ output. The chap who learnt AD&D with and I once tried to make sense of ‘Antietam’, but it was a lost cause really. But I still have somewhere (though with a few pieces missing now) my 1976 first edition of ‘Kingmaker’, which is one of my all time favourite board games and contributed to deciding the period I studied as a grad student. Apparently, Gibsons have now got around to publishing the long-awaited new edition, but I haven’t picked it up yet.

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There's a joke in one of the books I own, I think "100 Best Hobby Games" by Green Ronin, where one of the authors recommends Squad Leader. He says that he often says "Well at least it's not Squad Leader" when commenting on complex rules and he said he has a friend who says "Well at least it's not Siege of Jerusalem" when they play Squad Leader.

For me, I prefer original Squad Leader to Advanced Squad Leader. ASL is just too much for me.

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Yeah. I’ve heard that ASL comedy comparison as well. One of the people in my regular gaming group will sometimes say he can’t make a game because he’s playing ASL that whole weekend. There was a time when I could get on with some level of crunch and volume of meeples and what have you, but age has only enhanced my natural disposition towards simplicity and elegance.

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I'll take Memoir '44 over ASL any day.

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