Cool article. I love that you're going to the way back to dig up fantasy connections, stories and authors.

I skimmed over certain areas so I can read "The Damned Thing" without spoilers, but will return. (I love the flippant effect of that previous sentence when read without context!).

It's funny - my article this weekend is going to be about some classic weird fantasy illustrations from a 1943 issue of "Famous Fantastic Mysteries" that features H Rider Haggard's, "The Wanderer's Necklace". I'll make sure to link this Geekerati article because you & I obviously keep tuning in to a similar wavelength!

[Can't post pics in comments, but imagine a photo here of Vincent Price, facing you, hands akimbo, one high one low with fingers splayed and pointing as his intense mesmeric stare lets you know he has MIND POWERS!]

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Interesting topic, I would love to read more about your favorite books and insight in literature.

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I'll be bringing more and like I did with this one, I'll include a copy of the story if it's in the public domain.

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