I should note my enthusiasm for Echo went down after I saw episodes 4 and 5. Mostly 5. Four is a good D'Onofrio showcase; five is every Indian cliche the viewer fears.

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I think it's really weird that they only released episodes 1-3 to reviewers given that they released the entire series in one drop. It's almost as if they knew they might get some critique on the later episodes.

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It is EXACTLY that, IMO.

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Just to let you know that you put her date of death as 2004 instead of 2024.

Love this article though.

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I updated it. Thank you for pointing it out.

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LOL, Christian! Sorry for "stealing" any future article thunder, but thank you for the mentions. Great edition, this. Janell Jaquays, Elfquest animated series, DragonStrike, Dragon Quest, and more! (Did you notice the Clyde Caldwell cover from "Halfling's Gem" was re-used in Dragon Quest, and I can't make out the other, but it looks maybe like Jeff Easley!)

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