Thanks for sharing. Here’s the announcement about Roll20 and OneBookshelf “uniting the party” in July: https://blog.roll20.net/posts/roll20-onebookshelf-are-uniting-the-party/

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Great read. I think another factor though less quantifiable is the change in culture at Hasbro slowly over time that has led us to this moment. The want for a quick influx of revenue is short sighted when they have a great product with a history that few products have achieved in the geek zeitgeist, yet they seem to be squandering that potential. It'll be interesting to see what the future holds for D&D and Hasbro.

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I think that this year will brake or make D&D/MtG in general. WoTC/Hasbro really needs to take a look at what the dynamics are for D&D and then move based on that, not the boneheadness of the past few months.

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